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قديم 12-12-2006, 05:46 AM   #15
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الصورة الرمزية pitty

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HISTORY Created starting from Staffordshire Bull-terrier, this subject gained as well cuts some as in weight and volume. Since 1936, it is recognized like race with share. CHARACTER Like his/her English relative, this dog shows itself practically always honest and obeying, able to show much attention with the children and the members of his family. Its naturalness dominating makes it more aggressive with respect to the other dogs, and its terrible jaws can then cause severe damage, but the started frequentation of its congeneric very early allows him to control her instincts and to make an excellent dog of company of it. An education closes but soft is essential. OTHERS Mean life span: 12 years. FOOD Pup, adult or senior: How to choose the food best adapted to its needs? Our Councils IN KNOWKNOWING MORE ABOUT THIS RACE ? Lists Stockbreeders? Small Advertisements ? Clubs of Race ? Bonds ? Books STANDARD N° 286 of the 01/12.1997 GENERAL ASPECT American Staffordshire must give an impression of great force for its size; it is a well built dog, muscular while nimble and gracious, being very waked up with its entourage. It must compact, neither on legs, nor be levretté high in its lines. Its courage is proverbial. Cut: 46 to 48 cm for the male - 43 to 46 cm for the female. Weight: from 18 to 23 kg (given here as an indication, size and weight having to be in report/ratio) WRAP Hair: short, tight, stiff with the touch, shining. Color: Any color of dress is allowed: unicoloured, pluricolore or mixed, but is not required the white dresses all, having more than 80% of white, black and fire and the color liver. TETE Of average, high length de.toutes.parts. Cranium: Broad. Stop: Net. Facial area Truffle: Definitely black. Muzzle: Of average length, rounded in its part higher and falling abruptly under the eyes. Lips: Jointed and plain without loose part. Jaws: Drawn well. The jaw lower must be strong and capable of power in its catch. The upper incisors are in close contact with the former face of the lower incisors. Cheeks: The muscles of the cheeks are very marked. Eyes: Of sunk color, rounds, inserted well in the orbits and quite separate. Never of miser to the eyelids. Ears: Inserted high. Crossed or not crossed. One prefers the ears not cut which must be short, pink or semi-drawn up. The ears straightforwardly falling will be penalized. NECK Heavy, slightly bent, it is decreasing by the shoulders to the fastener with the head. It is average length. Absence of pennon. BODY Above: Rather short back. Light declivity of the garrot to the croup, which offers a soft and short slope until the birth of the tail. Kidney: Slightly gone up. Chest: Gone down well and broad. Well curved coasts, descended well backwards, quite tight all sets. TAIL Short in comparison of the size of the dog; attached low, it is reduced in a fine point. It is not rolled up nor not carried above the back. It is not cut down. FORELIMBS They must be right with a strong framework. Shoulders: Strong and muscular broad and oblique scapulas. Metacarpus: Of balance. REAR LIMBS Quite muscular. Bulges: Gone down well; they are deviated neither towards the interior nor towards outside. FEET Of average size, cambered well and compact. PACES Rubber band, without rolling and going the pace. DEFECTS Any variation compared to what precedes must be regarded as a defect which will be penalized according to its gravity. - invaded Truffle of miser. - Prognathismesupérieur or inferior. - clear Eyes. - Miser with the eyelids. - Tail too long or badly carried. N.B.: The males must have two testicles of normal appearance completion descended in the scrotum.
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